dj hi-c

ターンテーブリストユニットKireekとして前人未到のDMC世界5連覇を成し遂げ、 そのKireek解散後Technoの世界に活動の軸を移し、今や関西を代表する野外Party, MOMENTを牽引するメンバーの一人に名を連ねる。

NECHITO, DifferentSound , duplicity , Balls Baile,Wabisabi records等々、 国内外のレーベルから楽曲を多数リリースをする中、 関西発のTechnoレーベルaum recordingsを盟友Toru Ikemoto&Tenoと設立、 ハイペースでのリリースを重ね極東アジアから世界中のフロアに向けて発信を続ける。

2023年7月には日本最大の音楽フェスティバルFUJI ROCK FESTIVALに出演、 同年大晦日に開催された日本最高峰Techno Party FUTURE TERRORへの出演するなど着実にTechnoフィールドでのキャリアを積み上げている。

その活動と並行しアパレルブランド Moncrel, CONVERSESKATEBORDING, TIGHTBOOTH LENZIIIなどへのCM楽曲提供 を始め、沖縄を代表するラッパーRITTOのアルバム全曲をProduceするなど多岐にわたりその実力を発揮している。

As the turntable unit Kireek, they achieved an unprecedented five consecutive victories at the DMC World Championships. After the dissolution of Kireek, they shifted their focus to the world of techno and are now one of the leading members of MOMENT, a prominent outdoor party in the Kansai region.

They have released numerous tracks under various domestic and international labels such as NECHITO, DifferentSound, duplicity, Balls Baile, and Wabisabi Records. Along with their allies Toru Ikemoto and Teno, they established the Kansai-based techno label aum recordings, continuously releasing music at a high pace and reaching dance floors from Far East Asia to around the world.

In July 2023, they performed at Japan's largest music festival, the FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL. They also participated in FUTURE TERROR, the highest-level techno party in Japan, held on New Year's Eve of the same year. In 2024, they are set to embark on a tour across Asia and Australia, receiving acclaim in various locations as they build their career in the techno scene.

Additionally, alongside these activities, they have provided commercial music for apparel brands such as Moncrel, CONVERSE SKATEBOARDING, and TIGHTBOOTH LENZIII, and they have produced all the tracks for the album of RITTO, a leading rapper from Okinawa, showcasing their diverse talents and skills.

award history

  1. 2001
    Turntable Art Battle Champion
  2. 2002
    Teen's Dj Championships Champion
  3. 2003
    Vestax Extravaganza Japan Champion
  4. 2005
    Vestax Extravaganza World Champion
  5. 2007
    DMC Championship Team World Champion!
  6. 2008
    DMC Championship Team World Champion!!
  7. 2009
    DMC Championship Team World Champion!!!
  8. 2010
    DMC Championship Team World Champion!!!!
  9. 2011
    DMC Championship Team World Champion!!!!
  10. 2014
    DMC Championship Japan Champion
  11. 2016
    OUTLOOK Festival JP Sound clash Champion